NVivo 13 for Windows

NVivo 13 for Windows
Lumivero, LLC
Delivery Type

License expires: 10/07/26


NVivo Support & Training

There is an obscure bug in Windows that can affect NVivo users if your computer name is the same as your login name. NVivo will appear to install correctly but you will not be able to open or use files, and the "repair wizard" will also fail. Once you change the computer name the repair wizard will be able to complete and install MS-SQL. According to Microsoft, “A user name cannot be named the same as the computer name. this is a Windows issue. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310845/en-us for more details.”

Check your computer name and user name and make sure they are different before installing NVivo to avoid problems.

NVivo offers a variety of resources for users on their website.

Visit the NVivo Support Center.

Check out free NVivo training on Linked in Learning.

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